jodi about collage-01.png

Nine years old. That’s when I knew I wanted to be a photographer. With great influence and support from my father, I’ve been sure of and passionate about following this path. I’ve been fortunate enough to see and experience some amazing things while working and traveling the world - all helping me to grow professionally and develop creatively.

After 16 years at Playboy, where I wore a number of hats, including editor, producer, make-up artist, wardrobe stylist, and photographer, I set off on my own to capture special moments through film. I have worked with other professionals, whom I adore and for publications, which have inspired me throughout my career. Today, I’m based out of Kansas City, Missouri where I feel both completely energized as well as humbled by the creative talent shaping the KC community every day.

The only thing I love more than photography is my family. My husband is my partner in most everything I do. With an amazing artistic eye of his own, he is crazy brilliant, handsome, and perhaps most importantly - fun to be around each day. His passion for life, friends, and family is truly beautiful. My K-9 loves Calvin and Ringo keep things interesting and infinitely better.

xx jodi-02.png